- Sales lead generation helps you find new prospective clients
- Businesses can’t grow without constantly finding new customers
- The process of finding leads is now more technologically sophisticated
- Lead generation specialists make business growth more efficient
- Boom Demand acts on high-quality data to help scale your business
What’s the most basic process that enables continued business growth? We would argue that it’s the one that gets you on the road that leads to your customers. So what if you’ve got a great product if you don’t have anyone to sell it to? Sales lead generation is how you find people to sell it to.
Without those finding efforts, you have to rely on word-of-mouth and hope that your brand goes viral. For most companies, though, that’s just not fast or effective enough for survival.
Sales Leads: Critical Business Fuel
What’s a business without sales? Not much of one, that’s for sure!
According to HubSpot’s 2018 State of Inbound research report, lead and traffic generation is thebiggest marketing challenge for over 60% of all the companies that they surveyed. Likewise, more than a quarter of all those companies reported that their top marketing priority was to reduce the cost of lead generation.
Clearly, it’s something of a concern.
No other marketing activity has more potential to accelerate a company’s profitability than effective lead generation. Rather than waiting for customers to discover your products, you want to take the conversation to them. But to do that, you first need to know who they are.
That’s where the data comes into play.
The Data behind the Sales Lead Generation Process
In the old days, before the advent of the internet, some sales professionals would literally just crack open a phone book and cold call anyone.
Clearly, that’s not a very sophisticated approach. It’s not even targeted, except insofar as the phone book had business listings grouped by industry. But where else were you going to be able to find an effective compilation of potential customers?
The internet solved a lot of problems for sales and marketing people. It also gave rise to complex new challenges. On the one hand, it made it easier for companies to find their ideal customers. On the other, it made it a lot easier for prospects to verify claims and comparison shop.
This is good for everyone because it forces sales teams to be more careful about how they approach their prospects.
Customers have gotten so tired of answering cold calls that, increasingly, they don’t answer anyunfamiliar caller. They prefer text messages and social media connections.
This means that sales lead data has to include a whole lot more than just a list of phone numbers.
Specialized Experts Keep The Tank Full
The modern digital marketing landscape means that sales lead generation relies on targeted, high-quality data.
Any business that wants to use its limited resources effectively has to ensure that every lead they contact is at least in some way relevant to their market. No more random phone book pages!
You need to be sure that your lead data makes it possible for you to reach out across a variety of channels. It’s important to be where the customer is most comfortable because if you don’t, the competition will.
The Benefits of Trusting Sales Lead Generation to Boom Demand
Boom Demand acts on behalf of our clients as a performance sales development agency. We turn refined and accurate sales lead data into better and faster sales.
We ensure that each lead comes from trustworthy sources in full compliance with applicable regulations. More than that, we use the best and most effective outreach techniques. Such tactics ensure that leads come with a built-in interest in the right industry and market segments and that we find them where they want to be found!
Contact us today to get started with a specialized customer acquisition strategy that will help you scale up faster and better!