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Experiential Marketing: Treating Your Clients

Experiential Marketing: Treating Your Clients

What if you could get your prospective customers to have fun and think about your company at the same time? That‘s the basic premise behind experiential marketing. Any time you can get people to associate your brand with a good time is a major marketing win!

The Sales Funnel of Fun

This sort of marketing revolves around activities, events, and meetings with customers. It’s more than showing up to a trade show or an exposition, though. It calls for creativity and imagination that project your brand statement in a captivating way. The message delivered by such an event should be strong, simple, and appealing. Experiential marketing is fundamentally about getting out of the office. It means helping clients see the more personal, more real side of you by inviting them to participate in the kinds of activities that make you feel most alive. Whether that’s a hiking trip, a visit to an entertaining and great restaurant, or great seats at a ballgame, it should help your client see a new you and your company from a different angle. It should encourage them to relax and open up to you, as well. These events could engage your customers and invite them to experience a product or service firsthand, too. It would involve physical and interactive experiences, and it should be immersive and memorable. To be able to catch the audience’s attention is to capture their senses. This kind of marketing aims to create an emotional attachment between the consumer and the brand. This will then develop customer loyalty and influence their decision to buy.

A Wildfire of Good Advertising

Experiential marketing can draw more public interest than other kinds of marketing campaigns. The engaging and visually appealing features create a satisfying personal experience. A good, lasting impression like that can grow their interest and establish positive word-of-mouth. It thus creates new brand advocates. Clients having fun are clients who provide referrals and repeat business! You can increase brand awareness and make your products and services stand out among your competitors.   Another advantage provided by this sort of campaign is direct feedback. Participants who try out a product have the chance to share their thoughts with company representatives. This provides opportunities for improvements that would further enhance your brand. That means this outreach method strengthens customer and brand relationships. It can and should be part of a long-term strategic approach. It’s one more great way to generate leads, keep your existing customers, and boost your revenue growth.

Getting Started

Boom Demand will help you plan powerful and memorable activities that strengthen your relationship with both your current and future clients. This type of campaign is also cost-effective. That means we’ll help you reduce advertising overhead. Contact us today to plan an event your clients will never forget!

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