Top 5 Books for Sales Director Success: Your Must-Read List for 2019
- These excellent books for sales director success arm you with better strategies
- Experts in a variety of fields provide powerful insights for you to apply to sales
- Boom Demand helps sales directors implement better tactics faster
We invite our readers to reflect on whether 2018 was a good year for them or a mediocre one. If you’re doing well but know you can get better, or need to get back on your feet after a knockout punch, it’s time to add some new tools to your sales strategy workshop. We’ve put together a list of the best books for sales director success that we can recommend. The insights these authors provide will help directors see their work with new eyes and finish this decade stronger than ever. Remember that if you’re not always learning new things
and applying them, you’re stagnating and falling behind.
With the subtitle, “The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales Team,” Weinberg helps us remember that no matter how good we are at sales, managing a sales team is different. He covers no fewer than 16 basic errors that sales directors are prone to, and how to overcome them. Chief among them are matching performance and roles better, more effective coaching, and more useful meetings. Learn how to focus on culture, offer better compensation, and even how to keep scheduling under control.
We’re now over a decade into the radical shift in global communications wrought by the advent of the smartphone. During this time, social media has turned into a ubiquitous force in both our personal and commercial lives. It’s easier than ever before to find prospects (and to be found), but harder to stand out amongst all the other sales teams clamoring for their attention. Hughes shows us how to use these tools to punch through the very wall of noise they created, and get right in front of the executive buyers who need what we have to offer.
If you’re new to sales management and wondering what in the world you just got yourself into, this book is your new best friend. If you’re a veteran sales director looking to stay sharp in the most competitive sales environment in history, this book is your new best friend, too. As Brock shows us, the best practices stay true even after decades of experience. His advice cuts right through the fog of modern media novelty to remind us that we’re still managing and selling to human beings whose nature hasn’t changed much at all.
Do you understand the difference between training and coaching? It’s critical to know how and when to apply these different concepts for maximum sales team success. And it is definitely a team effort! Rosen points out that training isn’t what makes champions. Great coaches are how individual players become part of a championship team. Learn how to become a truly great sales coach and help each member of your team use and develop their unique talents.
What’s the difference between a sales meeting and a hostage situation? Some prospects would say there isn’t any, but in all seriousness, we know the stakes are very different. Even so, you can apply the principles of the latter to any other negotiation situation to be sure your team members always get the best deal possible.
These five books for sales director success offer powerful ways to change the way you do sales. We invite you to put these ideas into action. Boom Demand provides sales teams with the ability to expand flexibly without breaking the bank. With our sales development representatives on your side, you can drive far more efficient sales funnels that help qualified prospects convert faster.
Contact us today to get started!